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Scaldare un po' d'olio in padella, aggiungere le olive tagliate a pezzetti non troppo fini e l'indivia belga tagliata in senso orizzontale (ad anelli, non per il lungo). Passare il tutto in padella qualche minuto fino a quando l'indivia non ammorbidisce un po'. Aggiungere il pollo e il formaggio, e cuocere a fuoco medio-basso mescolando frequentemente; verso la fine aggiungere un pizzico di sale.
Scaldare un po' d'olio in padella, aggiungere le olive tagliate a pezzetti non troppo fini e l'indivia belga tagliata in senso orizzontale (ad anelli, non per il lungo). Passare il tutto in padella qualche minuto fino a quando l'indivia non ammorbidisce un po'. Aggiungere il pollo e il formaggio, e cuocere a fuoco medio-basso mescolando frequentemente; verso la fine aggiungere un pizzico di sale.
===Shoshana's baked eggs with greens===
baked eggs with greens
* 3 endives, sliced
* 1 white onion, minced
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 4 cubes, frozen spinach
* 3-4 eggs
* butter, olive oil
* white wine
* 1/2 lemon
* peperoncino flakes
* herbs (whatever you have on hand, but I used thyme, sage, parsley)
Heat a tab of butter and some olive oil in a saute pan. Add onion, garlic, a pinch of salt, the herbs, and cook until the onions become translucent, or slightly caramelized. Add the endive, spinach, a few more pinches of salt, peperoncino flakes, and continue to cook until the endive is wilted, cooked through. Add a little (a finger or so) of wine, juice of half a lemon, and continue cooking. Taste-test for flavor, add salt etc. depending. Transfer to ovenproof dish. Create small wells in the cooked veggies and gently crack the eggs into the wells. Bake around 175 for 10-15 minutes. Egg yolks should be slightly runny or soft boiled. Could serve with grated cheese, yogurt or tahini as a toppings if desired.

Revision as of 05:54, 14 June 2012


Pollo alla Watchmen

Per ciascuno (abbondante):

  • 1 scaloppina di pollo
  • 1/2 barattolo di olive
  • 1 indivia belga un po' grande o 2 piccoline
  • 2 fette di taleggio
  • olio

Scaldare un po' d'olio in padella, aggiungere le olive tagliate a pezzetti non troppo fini e l'indivia belga tagliata in senso orizzontale (ad anelli, non per il lungo). Passare il tutto in padella qualche minuto fino a quando l'indivia non ammorbidisce un po'. Aggiungere il pollo e il formaggio, e cuocere a fuoco medio-basso mescolando frequentemente; verso la fine aggiungere un pizzico di sale.


Shoshana's baked eggs with greens

baked eggs with greens

  • 3 endives, sliced
  • 1 white onion, minced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 4 cubes, frozen spinach
  • 3-4 eggs
  • butter, olive oil
  • white wine
  • 1/2 lemon
  • peperoncino flakes
  • herbs (whatever you have on hand, but I used thyme, sage, parsley)

Heat a tab of butter and some olive oil in a saute pan. Add onion, garlic, a pinch of salt, the herbs, and cook until the onions become translucent, or slightly caramelized. Add the endive, spinach, a few more pinches of salt, peperoncino flakes, and continue to cook until the endive is wilted, cooked through. Add a little (a finger or so) of wine, juice of half a lemon, and continue cooking. Taste-test for flavor, add salt etc. depending. Transfer to ovenproof dish. Create small wells in the cooked veggies and gently crack the eggs into the wells. Bake around 175 for 10-15 minutes. Egg yolks should be slightly runny or soft boiled. Could serve with grated cheese, yogurt or tahini as a toppings if desired.